Thursday, July 2, 2015

Seniors Say Goodbye to Hamden High School

Published in the Hamden Journal on 6/19/2015

On June 22 2015, the Hamden High School class of 2015 will file onto the football field, with green and gold caps and gowns and officially become high school graduates.
The class of 2015 will fill the high school’s football field at 4:00 p.m. The day will be a day of mixed emotions for graduates as they enter the next phase of their lives, while leaving behind high school.
For YooJin Yoon, one of the hardest things she’s leaving behind is the support system of classmates and teachers. Yoon is an active member of the Hamden High School community, from being the Class of 2015 treasurer to being involved in clubs such as National Honor Society and Student Council. Yoon is also captain of the Varsity badminton and tennis teams. Yoon will be attending Tufts University in the fall and will be majoring in Biopsychology and Biotechnology.
One of the things she says she’ll miss the most about Hamden High School is her classmates and “the unlimited support” from teachers.
“Teachers are the most supportive of anything positive that a student does. With friends, they're the ones who help keep you in check and encourage you to succeed in school,” said Yoon. “When I have a subject that I dislike and am taking it with my friends, we're always able to stick together, support each other and get good grades.”
Other students, such as Helena Burgueno, is also sad to leave friends and beloved teachers. Burgueno will be attending Amherst College in the fall, but will “miss how comfortable and happy” she is at Hamden High School.
“Hamden High School has been very good to me,” said Burgueno. “It seems as though I was just getting my footing here and now I have to leave.”
Burgueno is involved in several Hamden High School extracurriculars as well-from concert and jazz  band, National Honor Society, STTOP (Students Teaching Tolerance Openness and Pride), co-captain of the badminton team and scenic artistic for the Mainstage Ensemble.
Due to her involvement in those activities, she learned “how to have a voice and be a leader” as well as “the value it is to be a part of team.” She said one of the hardest parts about leaving is the friends she’s made through those activities.
“My closest friends and allies are at Hamden High and the idea of not seeing them anymore really breaks my heart,” said Burgueno. “I'll miss the families I made on the Badminton team and in the theater program - those are people I worked closely with for long amounts of time and I love them lots.”
    Although many of her classmates are sad about graduating, Bethany Keyl is optimistic about her future. Although Keyl said she was sad about leaving her favorite teachers behind, she is excited about her future. She’ll be attending Augsburg College in the fall.
    “I’m looking forward to a more socially liberal and accepting community,” said Keyl. “I’m looking forward to learning about things I’m passionate about with people who are passionate.”

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